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Our company, manufacturer of satellite dish antennas and accesorries, was founded in 2004, in Izmir, Turkey. Reasonable quality level of our products are combined with quality workmanship with our engineering experience, and feasable sheet metal origin satellite equipment meet global market by Pratikel's international warranty.


PRATIKEL dish antenna range starts from 60 cm, and goes up to 125 cm.  As we have our own mould design and production facility in our factory, all of our products are formed out by our own engineering. Our fully equipped production facility allows us to follow the expectations in various global markets. The main equipments are, guillotine cutting machine, 400 and 250 tons of hydraulic presses, 5 eccentric presses, 4 robotic welding equipments, 10 regular welding equipments, 3 automatic bending machines, tunnel type robotic conveyor electrostatic painting process, chemical process facility, besides we produce all plastic parts by our plastic injection equipment in our factory as well. For this reason, not only the dishes, but also many sectoral supporting elements are in our product range.

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